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Climate-Controlled Storage Units in El Paso, TX

If you have valuable items you need to store for long periods of time in a storage facility, climate-controlled storage is the way to go. Climate-controlled storage ensures the temperature stays in a safe range for your items, typically between 55 degrees and 85 degrees. They are also tightly enclosed, helping keep out humidity, dust, and other damaging factors.

At Panda Self Storage in El Paso, TX, we provide a full range of climate-controlled storage units, from 50 square feet to 200 square feet. We offer month-to-month leases, 24-hour security cameras, and on-site management. With our units, you’ll know your valuables are well-protected from damage, theft, and drastic temperature changes.

Reasons to use climate-controlled storage

With climate-controlled storage units from Panda Self Storage, you can enjoy all the benefits of secure storage without worrying about damage from the El Paso, TX, heat. Our units keep the temperature of the environment at a stable level year-round, no matter the exterior temperature. Some reasons this type of storage might be right for you include:

  • Storage of valuable items: If you are storing items with high monetary or sentimental value, keeping them in climate-controlled storage is the best way to ensure their safety throughout the storage period.
  • Storage during summer: Belongings stored over the hot El Paso, TX, summer are more likely to experience damage from temperature fluctuations than those stored in winter. If you’re planning to keep valuable or sensitive items in storage during the hot summer months, or for a long period of time, climate-controlled storage is the way to go.
  • Frequent visits: If you need to regularly visit your storage unit or spend extensive time in the storage unit, you may want to opt for a climate-controlled unit to make your visits comfortable.

Our climate-controlled storage rates

At Panda Self Storage, we have a full range of climate-controlled units, from small 5′ x 10′ units with easy drive-up access to larger 10′ x 15′, and 10′ x 20′ units that can even store vehicles.

Our climate-controlled storage rates are:

East Location

  • Small5′ x 10′$79
  • Medium10′ x 10′$109
  • Large10′ x 15′$135
  • XLarge10′ x 20′$179

Northeast Location

  • XSmall5′ x 5′$45
  • Small5′ x 10′$65
  • Medium10′ x 10′$100
  • Large10′ x 15′$120

All of our storage units are clean and have the most modern doors, locks, and materials. We offer the best-secured units of any facility, with coded entry and exit gates, 24-hour security cameras, lighting in all driveways and office areas, and on-site, 24-hour, around-the-clock management.

Call (915) 303-7535 today to learn more about climate-controlled storage!