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The Most Reliable Storage Facility in El Paso, TX

Panda Self Storage began in 2004 when Mr. Dick Aber was fortunate enough to buy a piece of freeway frontage property in the northeast El Paso, TX, area. The property had been zoned for use as a self-storage location, so Mr. Aber began to attend various yearly events highlighting the self-storage industry. He wanted to learn all he could about the business, even sending his sons, Tom and David Aber, to management seminars for self-storage in San Antonio and Houston, TX.

In 2006, Mr. Aber began to secure financing for the storage facility. However, the recession occurred and the program was put on hold. In spring of 2010, Mr. Aber secured financing from the First Saving Bank with the help of his good friend and banker Raymond Vargas and Hector Briceno of the First Savings Bank of El Paso. The name chosen for the facility was Aber Self-Storage and included a logo of a large panda bear. The facility opened for business in the spring of 2011 and immediately proved to be a successful self-storage location in the northeast of El Paso, TX.

Expanding to new locations

After the opening of this first storage facility, Mr. Aber immediately began to look for other storage sites, purchasing a working facility in Anthony, NM. This facility, with the careful management of Mr. Aber, soon began to fill to capacity. Mr. Aber again realized that another site for self-storage was needed. After much searching, his son Tom Aber located a great site north on George Dieter Street of East Central El Paso. They soon purchased the property and secured financing from First Light FCU for 60,000 square feet of storage space.

At this point, Mr. Aber needed a builder to construct the facility so he gave the job and responsibility to his son, David Aber, and the facility began to take shape. During the construction period, the Abers had many neighbors stop and say they were happy to see a new self-storage coming to their east side neighborhood. It was needed!

Providing the best storage prices around

Panda Self Storage opened with the best prices in the city and all sizes of units, from 25 square feet to 400 square feet. No other facility has this ability. The employees are the very best, always going above and beyond to give the customer the best service.

As the facility started to open, long-time employee Irma Valenzuela was chosen to manage the new facility after successfully managing the Anthony Self Storage location. She brought the needed experience, character, and friendly, sincere service that a new business needs. Soon, the units began to fill with happy neighborhood clients. She is now on a first-name basis with all the storage customers.

Panda Self Storage presents clean and new facilities. Our units have the most modern doors, locks, and material. We offer the best-secured units of any facility, with coded entry and exit gates, security cameras at all indoor units and gates, lighting in all driveways and office areas, and on-site, 24-hour, around-the-clock management.

All of this guarantees that your goods will be safe, clean, and ready for use when you need them. Our clients rest assured knowing that they are in the very best facility in El Paso, TX. Drop by to see us and enjoy a cold coke or water and see what we can offer you.

Call (915) 303-7535 to rent a storage unit or U-Haul!